Arizona Non-Profit Corporation

The character of affairs of the corporation will be:

To raise funds for the rural forested community of Walker, located in Yavapai County Arizona.
To focus on creating awareness and providing education and services to citizens, including but not limited to: fire protection and emergency medical services, disaster and environmental related issues, disaster preparedness, crime prevention, establish a recognized Firewise Communities/USA Recognition Area, emergency evacuation, search and rescue, public health and recreation.
To educate the community on the history of the Walker area and to recognize and protect the historical sites located within the community and surrounding area.

Funds raised will be the result of voluntary donations, fund raising events, public/private grants.


1.  Adopt-A-Road

2.  Winter coat drives, over 995 coats collected so far

3.  Thanksgiving Meals for Catholic Charities families

4.  Salvation Army Christmas Angel program

5.  Prescott Christmas Light Parades

6.  2012 Summer Spirit program, providing items to children in Quad City area Foster Family program

7.  Sundae Saturdays

8.  Art Auction and community dinners

9.   Provided Walker Firemen helmet shields

10. Held CPR/First-aid certification classes

11. Wrote Walker Community Firewise/USA action plan

12. Became a Firewise/USA recognized community

13. Firewise grants - $332,424.00 to date for Forest Wildfire Fuel Reduction

14. WCAA Walker Firewise committee

15. Walker themed calendars

16. Served on Yavapai Country Arizona Centennial Commission

17. Placed Arizona Centennial Monument at firehouse

18. Maintained booths at both Prescott and Phoenix Best Fests

19. Organize chipper days and grinder months

20. Participate in the Yavapai Food Neighbors project

21. Organized newcomer packets

22. Produced a Walker mini-history brochure

23. Signage Walker Road and Howells Historic sites

24. Historic Walker quad ride with booklet

25. GPS poker runs and pot lucks

26. Flu shots

27. Veteran s Center benefit

28. Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT)

29. Partners with the American Red Cross

30. Yavapai County emergency operations center liaison for Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD)

31. Wreaths Across American

32. Member of Prescott Area Wild land/Urban Interface Commission (PAWUIC)

33. Participates annually at PAWUIC Expos

34. Partners with Walker Fire Protection Association

35. Firewise information booths at Walker functions

36. Provided basic life support back pack for EMTs

37. One Less Spark One Less Fire campaign USDA

38. Replace old Defensible Space signs and relocate

39. Provided a new flag for the fire station

40. Provided the Walker EMTs with a new oxygen bottle

41. Annual "Chip & Haul" project

42. Purchased new advanced life support backpack for EMT's/Paramedics